The MELINC mission is combining academic staff and professionals in various disciplines from different regions of Mongolia to implement the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities throughout Mongolia.
The MELINC project advocates for inclusive education for students with disabilities in Mongolia and around the world. The consortium partners believe that fighting for the right to education and rights in education, for equal access and equal opportunity of students with disabilities and learning problems, strenghtens a more inclusive society that respects the inherent dignity and individual autonomy of persons with disabilities. It is committed to raising awareness and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which recognize inclusive education, employment of persons with disabilities and their acceptance in society as important steps to ending their segregation, exclusion and poverty.
MELINC builds an online modular course on inclusive education as a tool that can be adapted to different target groups.
The course starts with an historical overview of the difficulties faced by students with disabilities in education.
In the next modules, students will learn about the barriers to inclusion in education, the principle of reasonable accommodation, and the principle of equality and non-discrimination in the Convention.
The course than continues with the implementation of Article 24 of the Convention and General Comment No.4.
The final modules focus on different approches to the implementation of inclusive education adopted in some countries and the role of strategic litigation for inclusive education.
MELINC also pursues the establishment of 3 “special needs in education” centres which support students with disabilities, their parents, teachers and schools. These SEN centres will operate in Ulanbaator (Centre), Khovd (West) and Dornod (East Mongolia).
The MELINC project is funded under the EU programme Erasmus+ Capacity-Building in Higher Education 617443-EPP-1-2020-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
Gracienne Lauwers (prof. dr., Jean Monnet)
Erasmus+ Project Grantholder