Project Type: European Commission, ‘Introducing modules on law and rights in programmes of teacher training and educational sciences’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: 573540-EPP-l-2016-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Online tutorials: EduLAw courses
Project Type: Vlir-UOS SGP , ‘Digiliteracy and the need for a South African legal framework on cyberbullying’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: SGP 002 (2017RIB-017-B16-81) & XREI 2017
Project Type: European Commission, Erasmus Mundus full time scholarship under EUROSA
Supervisor: Gracienne Lauwers
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Building safe schools for children with rights’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: 527588-LLP-1-2012-1-BE-COMENIUS-CAM
Online tutorials: Safety in Education and The Right to a Safe Educational Environment
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Language Policies and Legal Action to Overcome Language Barriers in Education for non-EU member states long-term residents’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: 518052-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-COMENIUS-CAM
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Islam instruction in state-funded schools’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: 510439-LLP-1-2010-1-BE-COMENIUS-CAM
Online tutorials: Religious Rights in Education and Religion and the Public Law Framework in Education
Project Type: European Commission, ‘European and comparative education law and policy III’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: IP 2010 2009/LLP/ERAMOB-IP/18
Project Type: European Commission, ‘European and comparative education law and policy II’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: IP 2009 2008/ERA/MOB-IP/19
Project Type: European Commission, ‘European and comparative education law and policy I’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: IP 2008 BEnl-2007-LLp-ERA-IP10
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Restructuring Higher Education in the Azerbaijan’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: T021A06-2006 AZ
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Restructuring Higher Education in Albania’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: SM_SCM-C004B06-2006 AL
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Restructuring Higher Education in the Ukraine’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: T020A06-2006-UA
Project Type: European Commission, ‘Restructuring Education in the Russian Federation’
PI/Grant holder: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: T019A06-2006-RF
Project Type: European Commission, 5th framework programme, ‘Legal framework of new governance and modern policy in education throughout Europe’
PI: Gracienne Lauwers
Grant number: HPSE-CT-2001-50001