The UB MELINC team disseminated the project outcomes in the western part of Mongolia in the Bayan-Olgii prefecture.
Bayan-Olgii is located 1,760 km from the capital Ulaanbaatar in the Altai mountain area, bordering Russia and China. It has a population of 110,000 people, 93 percent of whom are Kazakhs, with the remaining citizens being ethnic Uriankhai, Tuva, and Khalkh. Prof. Odgerel Dandii thaught at the branch school of the Mongolian National University for primary, pre-school and mathematics teachers, classes on “Education theory and practice” and “Inclusive education”. Discussion on “Evidence based teaching and learning”, on “Inclusive education” were conducted with students and teachers. The MELINC project training modules and video platforms were introduced. Seminars on “how to provide opportunities for every child to participate fully in the school life and learning process and create a friendly environment for their development” were held. The Bayan-Olgii region is unique in terms of ethnic Kazakh population with the school system providing bilingual education (Kazakh and Mongolian).