The leasing of the Independent Stairclimber by Lehner Lifttechnik during the MELINC project, along with the university’s decision to exercise the purchase option at the end of the project, was a highly innovative solution that enabled wheelchair users, including participants and students, to attend MELINC workshops, conferences, and classes in person within university buildings. It also ensured the sustainability of building accessibility and the continued in-person participation of wheelchair users beyond the project’s completion. With this flexible stairclimber, previously inaccessible buildings are now within reach, significantly enhancing the social inclusion of wheelchair users. This advancement reinforces the commitment of MNUE university staff and administrators to creating an inclusive professional and learning environment, where everyone can fully participate in academic and professional life. Additionally, it contributes to raising everyday awareness by demonstrating at MNUE the potential of innovative solutions for improving accessibility in older (Soviet-style) buildings.