Role in the project: legal expert, institutional project leader at the University of Bialystok
Institution: University of Bialystok (Faculty of Law)
Izabela Krasnicka holds a doctoral degree in law and is an associate professor in the Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law at the University in Bialystok, Poland. Her research and teaching fields include three main areas: international law of aviation, constitutional law of the United States in comparative perspective, and challenges of legal education. In addition to her academic responsibilities she holds a position of the Dean’s Representative for International Relations. Dr Kraśnicka has been a member of the board of the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation since its establishment and thus has been involved in the development of the clinical educational programs nationwide and abroad.
Some publications:
- Izabela Kraśnicka, Emil W. Pływaczewski, Legal Education in Transition: Is the Bologna Process Responding to Europe’s Place in the World? [in:] Women and Children as Victims and Offenders : Suggestions for Succeeding Generations. (Volume 1) / Helmut Kury, Sławomir Redo, Evelyn Shea (eds), Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Izabela Kraśnicka, Polish legal education in the light of the recent higher education reform, “Michigan State Law Review” 2012, vol. 2, pp. 691-712.
- Izabela Kraśnicka, Magdalena Perkowska (eds), How to become a lawyer?, Bern, Berlin, Peter Lang, 2013.