The MELINC consortium partners held from 29 March till 2 April 2021 a series of bilateral and consortium online kickoff meetings on the MELINC project. On Wednesday March 31, the kick-off with the European consortium partners and the external quality control experts took place. Concerning the technical/ content aspects, the project scope and objectives were outlined; the list of project deliverables to be submitted to EACEA at the end of the project was established and the quality control discussed; the contact/project manager at each consortium institution was appointed; the teams at each consortium partner were introduced; the draft dissemination plan was debated; the dissemination and visibility plan for the project was discussed. Concerning the financial/ management aspects, the budget items and guidelines were explained; the project management was arranged; the partnership agreement was drafted and submitted for approval to the partner universities; the possible project risks were identified and a plan to redress them prepared. The tools to consolidate communications were clarified. The project calendar and schedule would be included in the website to ensure that all team members and quality control experts at all times from anywhere can find information about the project update. Thus, from 29 March till 2 April 2021, the whole MELINC project community pulled together to help all partners understand the project technical and financial concepts that would allow them to implement their project tasks accordingly.